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Birth Control Pills

I am recently married . Me and my wife don’t want to use condoms as they cause loss of sexual enjoyment . Aslo my wife does not want any copper -T implantation as it has lot of side -effects as bleeding, infections. We have opted to use birth control pills. Can you please tell use about their effectiveness and side-effects .

Birth- control pills also called as “Oral contraceptive pills” are type of daily medication taken orally by women to prevent pregnancy.

There are two types of pills –

  • Combined pills – These contain both estrogen and progesterone .These pills are taken on a daily basis to prevent pregnancy. These hormones prevent the ovulation i.e. the releasing of the eggs from the ovaries and also thickens the cervical mucus and prevents the sperms from entering the uterine cavity.
  • Progestin - only pills – These contain only progesterone. They also cause the cervical mucus to thicken and uterine lining to thin. This keeps the sperms from reaching the ovaries.

How to take the pills ?

The combined pills come in a pack of 28 pills with 21 hormone containing pills which have to be taken on a daily basis and remaining 7 pills without hormones.

While as the mini pills come in apack of 28 and all contain hormones and have to be strictly taken on a daily basis without forgetting.

What are the advantages of pills ?

  • 1. Easily available OTC (over the counter and without prescription .
  • 2. Easy to use
  • 3. once on pills no need to use any other method of contraception.
  • 4. Fertility returns back to normal on stopping the pills from the next cycle.
  • 5. Other benefits apart from contraception as regularising the periods, reduces menstrual cramps.
  • 6. Very effective in preventing pregnancy if used properly – only 9 women can get pregannt among 100 women who use this method each year and 5 out of 100 in women on mini-pills . The risk is very less if the women takes the pills regularly.

Are there any disadvantages of the pills ?

  • 1. The pills have to be taken regularly without fail.
  • 2. These pills do not prevent against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • 3. These pills increase the risk of developing clots, thrombosis of veins, and heart attacks if take for long term basis.
  • 4. There are minor side-effects as nausea, weight gain, breast tenderness.

What if I forgot to take my birth control pill and I am sexually active ?

If you have missed one pill, you can take that pill immediately the next day you remember with the other day pill addition. If you have had unprotected sexual intercourse during that period it is better to consult your gynecologist.

Can I smoke and drink while on the pills ?

It’s better not to smoke and drink while on pills. Because it can increase the chances of forming blood clots, thrombosis and stroke and heart attacks.

Will I have trouble getting pregnant after I discontinue the pills ?

No, there is no change in fertility with the use of birth control pills. Most women ovulate as soon as 2 weeks after stopping the pills

Does the birth control pills cause cancers ?

No, Actually the pills have protection against cancers of the ovary and the uterine lining (endometrium)

No, Actually the pills have protection against cancers of the ovary and the uterine lining (endometrium)

No, the pills do not cause any birth defects nor does it affect the health of the future children.