Infertility is defined as unsuccessful attempts to conceive for at least a year. Even if you've been trying to conceive for about a year and haven't been successful, it's a good idea to have an evaluation to rule out any problems that might be preventing you from getting pregnant.
An evaluation and examination to determine the underlying cause is the first step in treatment. Sperm tests, blood tests, or other lab tests, diagnostic imaging such as an ultrasound or CT scan, and in-office procedures such as hysteroscopy to look inside your uterus and assess the opening to your fallopian tubes may all be part of your evaluation.
Medications to help stimulate or control ovulation, medications to "remodel" the uterine lining, minimally invasive procedures to remove fibroids or address other issues that may be preventing insemination or implantation, or surgery to correct structural issues are all possible treatment options once the underlying cause has been determined.
Fertility drugs and IVF are two options that can be used. You and your partner will have the opportunity to talk about all of your concerns before starting any treatment.